Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Patchwork Quilt of Life

The Patchwork Quilt of Life

Each square, a period of life
Some are rough as corduroy,
The difficult times
There wasn’t enough money for food

Some are soft as silk,
The romantic times
When he proposed marriage

Some are a bright and vibrant,
The excited times
Holidays, birthdays, vacations

Some are dark,
The sad times
Illness and death of those we are close to

Each square, its own tale,
The squares sewn and tied together
Show The Patchwork Quilt of Life


  1. I like this. I wrote a similar one when I was writing poetry back in the 90's, only it was about a quilt made from a husband/lover's old clothes. I know a have a tattered copy somewhere (of the poem, though if there were such a quilt it would be quite tattered my now.)

    I'll see if I can unearth it sometime.

    This doesn't rhyme, but the middle lines of each middle stanza end with the word "times" which gives it a nice verse like rhythm.

  2. I like this one. The rhythm and form of it work well and the overarching metaphor seems to fit nicely with the content of the poem. I wondered about the conflict of the poem. What motivates the metaphor and how could you add more tension to draw the reader into each individual image/emotion. It might be helpful to follow each stanza with another short stanza that's a scene of the emotion described in the previous stanza--this might flesh out some of your ideas and metaphors even more.

    Thanks for sharing...what you have here is really tight and I'd be interested in seeing an expanded version if you do decide to revise.

