Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Baker's Dozen

A Baker's Dozen
Realizing that it is okay to be who you are, not what you and others expect you to be.

Life will be difficult at times and all you can do is your best.

We live in the present, not the past or the future.

Today is our reality and we should live it to the fullest.

Our past is just that, our past. It is over and nothing we do can change it.

There is no guarantee there will be a tomorrow. Plan wisely for tomorrow but not at the expense of today.

Life is a journey and there may be several detours along the way.

We have a right to be happy and just because someone else is unhappy does not mean we need to be unhappy.

It is okay to accept help and even ask for it when needed.

Telling the truth is the easiest way to live. It eliminates trying to remember what you said.

Helping others can be very therapeutic if they want and need help.

We will never give up ourselves to please others.

Change is inevitable and we need to be flexible.


  1. There is so much wisdom here. I like the repetition of acceptance. This reminds me a lot of the philosophy of Thich Nhat Han. His books don't have much to do with writing, but they have a lot to do with life, and you might find them very interesting. I'm a little confused by the title. I realize there are 13 acceptances here, but what does it have to do with baked goods. Still the impulse is good. Naming your work is very important, because it bring it into its own as a piece of writing. Thanks again. This poem makes me happy :)

  2. Anna, For my online community, it works best to have a name that catches people's eyes so they will review . In other settings I would probably
    use "Acceptance" as the title.


  3. Debbie, this is kind of like a prayer or a hymn. As Anna, I like the repetition of "acceptance." I think the last of the 13 phrases should be a little stronger, feel more like an "ending." Maybe the one about living life to the fullest?

    The title doesn't bother me because it informs me right away how many phrases there are. If that weren't in the title I know I wouldn't count. Why does that make a difference? I'm not sure, but it kind of makes me feel closer to the poem, like it's a friend or something, knowing that there are going to be 13 phrases. True, there's nothing about baking, but I like the information it gives. Acceptance is kind of self evident. (I'm terrible at coming up with titles for my own poems, so maybe you shouldn't listen to me!)

  4. The reason I used 'A Baker's Dozen' for the title is that to get work reviewed on my online community, the title has to seem interesting enough that reviewers want to read it. Before submitting it for publication, I would change it to something else! Debbie
