Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mental Health

Is my head hot?
Does my stomach ache?
How do I know I'm doing well?
I've taken my medications every day for the last two weeks.
My mood has been stable.
I've gotten to my appointments and had to make bus arrangements for them.
I've stopped drinking coffee two weeks ago.
I drink tea as a caffeine substitute.
Despite having less caffeine I'm grateful for energy without a let down afterward.
I'm consistently having energy throughout the day.
Is there heat radiating from my head?
Is my stomach cramping?
Do I have any symptoms ?


  1. Melissa Ladd Haynes wrote this piece for another class.1)start a piece with 3 questions.
    2)next, take one image from one of those questions and go deeper into detail about the image
    3)then write a contemplative line using the prompt "Despite_______________I'm grateful for _____________.
    4)finally end your piece with three more questions.

  2. Melissa,

    This is an interesting prompt for a poem. Do you think it was useful for you? The line "despite having less caffeine I'm grateful for energy without a let down afterward" informs the poem. Its interesting that it is both about the influence of the caffeine and the medication on the narrators physical and mental clarity.
    I want answers for the questions you ask here. This is such fertile ground for poetry. I would go forward by working outside of the exercise and developing some of these themes. Thanks so much!


  3. Mel, I haven't even started my assignment. It looks like you have a second version. I'll look at that.
