Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift

Giving is the greatest gift you can receive. When you give to others, it will come back twice to you. A look on a face and a heartfelt thank you are so much more meaningful than
a materialistic gift you might receive.

Materialistic gifts are used or not, but rarely bring to mind the good things about the person who gave them to you.

An easy way to help others is a ‘random act of kindness.’
If the shopper in front of you is a quarter short, give them 25 cents.
You will both have a better day! Smile at the grumpy sales clerk as she checks you out and wish her a nice day, she just might have one. Compliment someone’s clothing. We all like to think we look nice. Answer the phone politely and maintain that attitude throughout the call. Even telemarketers have feelings. Be nice to bus drivers and people you meet on the street. One of my local stores has internet coupons weekly, but many shoppers do not have access to the internet. Each week, I make several copies of the coupons and hand them out while I shop at the store.

One of the best ways to help others is volunteering. There are literally hundreds of volunteer jobs in any area. Volunteering covers a lot of different possibilities. You can clean a park, tutor children or volunteer to work with the elderly.

My volunteer job is working at an adult daycare doing arts and crafts 16 hours a week. I am disabled and no longer able to get a job in my field, but by volunteering, I receive more enjoyment and satisfaction than at any job I have held. They look forward to me coming, and I for sure look forward to going there!


  1. Debbie-That was a heart-felt piece. I enjoyed reading it. It is oh so TRUE!!!!

  2. Debbie,
    This comes across as almost like a newspaper article or an advice column. How altered the world would be too if you could share your ideas with so many readers. It would be a brighter place to live for sure. I love that part about distributing coupons that you have printed at your favorite stores. I also enjoy how thoughtful you are about the telemarketers, because so many people feel they can be rude to them because they are on the phone and not there in person.
    This statement at the end about working a volunteer job is fascinating. I want to know more about this. There could be an essay in it if you wanted to write one. Thanks for being such a positive influence. I'm going to go smile at everyone I meet and thank my bus driver!
