Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Child of Mine by Debbie


Child of Mine

A warm embrace
The feel of your lips on my face
The joy of seeing you
Brings in the day anew
After you have been away
It is wonderful to see you today
I want to see you play
In that carefree, happy way
Oh, beautiful child of mine
You make my life divine


Author Notes For parents who are separated from their children due to separation or divorce.


Rose Bud by Debbie

Rose bud
Folded tight
Keeping out
Undesirable feelings

Rose bud
Signs of love
Caring, affection
Remains tightly folded

Rose bud
So precious
Stays closed

Rose bud
Life here is good
It is safe to
Unlock your petals

Rose bud
Let the world in
Open your petals
To your fragile emotions

Rose bud
No reason not
To spread your petals
Enjoy life

Rose bud
You are valued
Unlock your petals
Reveal the beauty within

Monday, November 15, 2010

This is Ruth speaking

Okay, Rachael, I made a few changes, didn't follow too much of advice.  I know, kill your darlings; for Mel, make clear, but what can I say?   I'm too attached to old version?

I may use this for my once-a-month poetry group Wednesday and probably can't print it after that morning fairly early, so if anyone sees it before then, please don't put off commenting.

I rewrote last stanza more than once.  Have more versions, put in the most complicated and the simplest with a little "or" in between.  One better than the other?  I guess I like the sounds of the longer one but the rhythm probably stinks.  I should read out loud a couple of time.  Anyway, here is rewrite number one:


She's plump and comfy as a German dumpling,
this issue of the West Rhine with fine flaxen
hair flying behind her like diaphanous
wings as she moves through the mosquito lab.

She pins a female under the microscope,
observes the scalloped abdomen swell until
the insect can't stand on its spindly legs;
it sinks into a satisfied stupor,

ending its whiny buzz and edgy urge to fly.                                       
Now it's time: The student grips her scalpel
and pulls apart the culex, probing tissue
for a mark of dark-stained strains of the West Nile.

Later, in her fevered bed, her lover's
limbs lay her flat.  After she feasts
and her abdomen fills with his fluids,
after glut and gratitude make her legs weak,

he rises and returns to his little family. Then the slump,
the dent in her soft mattress. Sinking in, she carves
stinging scrolls on her arm. In the erupting red,
will she find the radix of this toxic coupling?
he rises and returns to his little family. Then
she slumps into her soft mattress, carves
stinging scrolls on her arm. In the erupting red,
will she find the radix of this toxic coupling?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mental Health

Are my thoughts spinning?
Am I up all night?
How do I know I'm doing well?
I've taken my medications every day for the last two weeks.
My mood has been stable.
I've gotten to my appointments and had to make bus arrangements for them.
I've stopped drinking coffee two weeks ago.
I drink tea as a caffeine substitute.
Despite having less caffeine I'm grateful for energy without a let down afterward.
I'm consistently having energy throughout the day.
Does my mind feel like it's going to explode?
Can I stay in bed throughout the night?
Do I have any symptoms ?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mental Health

Is my head hot?
Does my stomach ache?
How do I know I'm doing well?
I've taken my medications every day for the last two weeks.
My mood has been stable.
I've gotten to my appointments and had to make bus arrangements for them.
I've stopped drinking coffee two weeks ago.
I drink tea as a caffeine substitute.
Despite having less caffeine I'm grateful for energy without a let down afterward.
I'm consistently having energy throughout the day.
Is there heat radiating from my head?
Is my stomach cramping?
Do I have any symptoms ?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift

Giving is the greatest gift you can receive. When you give to others, it will come back twice to you. A look on a face and a heartfelt thank you are so much more meaningful than
a materialistic gift you might receive.

Materialistic gifts are used or not, but rarely bring to mind the good things about the person who gave them to you.

An easy way to help others is a ‘random act of kindness.’
If the shopper in front of you is a quarter short, give them 25 cents.
You will both have a better day! Smile at the grumpy sales clerk as she checks you out and wish her a nice day, she just might have one. Compliment someone’s clothing. We all like to think we look nice. Answer the phone politely and maintain that attitude throughout the call. Even telemarketers have feelings. Be nice to bus drivers and people you meet on the street. One of my local stores has internet coupons weekly, but many shoppers do not have access to the internet. Each week, I make several copies of the coupons and hand them out while I shop at the store.

One of the best ways to help others is volunteering. There are literally hundreds of volunteer jobs in any area. Volunteering covers a lot of different possibilities. You can clean a park, tutor children or volunteer to work with the elderly.

My volunteer job is working at an adult daycare doing arts and crafts 16 hours a week. I am disabled and no longer able to get a job in my field, but by volunteering, I receive more enjoyment and satisfaction than at any job I have held. They look forward to me coming, and I for sure look forward to going there!


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 Category:  General Poetry
  Posted: November 3, 2010      Views: 43

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The Author

I have many faces
Excited and can't wait to explore
Content to just sit and be
Fearful the darkness will return
Depressed, the darkness transcends
Numb, unable to feel anything.

That is the worst
Unable to feel joy, pain
Darkness, light
Nothing matters
I don't matter.

Lost in the darkness
Wandering, wondering
Hoping, wishing
Waiting for the sun to
Break through
The clouds.

A crack,
A small sliver of light
Breaks through the darkness
Offering hope
A chance to matter again.