Sunday, March 13, 2011

Positve Outlook

By Debbie

Positive Outlook

I have depression
It can make me sad
Sometimes feel blue
At times it makes me hurt
But no matter what it does
I have depression
It doesn't have me

Many claim to suffer from depression
But I can fight
It can try to hold me in its grip
No matter how hard it struggles
I am stronger and more determined
I don't suffer from depression
It suffers from me


  1. Hi Debbie, I think that last line is GREAT. And it parallels the last line of the first stanza.

  2. Thanks-I like how this one turned out!!! Debbie

    I think it would be a good one for our compilation-what doe you think?

  3. Debbie,
    I completely love this! It is so strong! I agree with Ruth that this last stanza is great. It is a great turn at the end of the poem that gets depression running scared. What compilation? Is that the NAMI publication that you showed me when we visited? It definitely would be. There is a strong sense of voice here, and an even stronger spirit. This poem personifies depression, giving it intent. You could extend this if you wanted. What would depression do if it really did have intent? Just a thought. This is affirming and inspiring.

  4. Thanks so much Anna. The compilation is our groups writings put in to a booklet to be available at the April 19th meeting which is about Recovery and the Arts. Anna, is there anyway we could meet face to Face sometime. I have a couple pieces I want publishes nationwide or at least through several states (advocacy pieces.) I would love to have you look through them and give me you impressions about whether they are appropriate for that. Neither is terribly long, but I would really appreciate your input.
