Monday, March 28, 2011

A Good Life

A Good Life

Another week has gone by
The older I get, the faster days fly
Thinking of all I want to do, I sigh
I slow down as my years multiply

Time once a turtle, now a hare
Unable to keep up is unfair
About minor things, it's hard to care
Looking too far ahead I don't dare

Age makes the bigger picture clear
As I decide for myself what is dear
To what my heart is near
Thinking of time wasted, I shed a tear

No longer wasting time on silly things
Wondering what the future brings
Do what's important my heart sings
Music flowing from guardian angel wings

The older that I grow
More the wrinkles of time show
My body moves increasingly slow
Losing memories, but I know

A good life I have had...



Author Notes Thanks to Angelheart for the perfect angel artwork


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1 comment:

  1. There is power in the images of this poem. I can see the angel wings and the wrinkles, and they inform an idea that is universal: that we all get older and that it is inescapable. This poem is brave to tackle the terrifying problem we all face of being trapped in a moral body, and being forced to deal with our age and our choices. It takes a surprisingly positive stance on it though, and this narrator ultimately is grateful for the life he/she has had. Each time you use an image to show these things rather than to come out and just state them, the stronger this poem gets because it reaches the audience on the sensory level, evoking emotion in them rather than telling them what to feel. Consider that if you choose to move forward with this poem. Again, this poem makes me feel more hopeful and teaches me something, and for that it is very worthy. Thanks so much for sharing.
