Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Am Walking East by Melissa Haynes

As the sun rises, illuminating golden fields
Absorbing the sun and my surroundings
Quiet thoughts are at peace
Fluttering of wings is the only sound
The gentle breeze refreshes my body
Images of nature's art
Tantalize my senses

A red leaf catches the wind 
The wind invites it along
A sudden burst of energy goes through me
Sun reflects a pale mauve sky
Such a still beauty


  1. Melissa,
    This has such a zen feeling to it. What beautiful and minimal language. "Such a still beauty" is the perfect line to end on. This is lovely. What was the impetus for this? The verbs you chose are so crisp and active. Tantalize, burst. Illuminating has a lot of syllables for the first line. The second stanza catches my attention more than the first. If you wanted to keep going with this, you might try a few more stanzas to see where these emotions take you. Then you can pare it back to one or two later. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Mel,
    This is such a light and positive piece. I love the imagery and especially the phrase "tantalize my senses." It makes me long for a long hike in the woods1 Great job. debbie
