Sunday, May 22, 2011

Nami Group

Again, my apologies for falling off the face of the planet this month. I have finished the school year and started a new job. Unfortunately, this will leave me even less time for outside activities, and I am going to take a break from commenting on the NAMI blog this summer. That doesn't mean that you all have to stop posting, however. If its helpful to you, please keep posting and commenting for each other. If anyone is interested in the fall, please send me an e-mail at and we can start up again with weekly posts (as long as you are willing to be patient with my sporadic responses). I want to thank you for sharing your work with me. It has been a privilege to read it and I am grateful that you trusted me to do so. I hope that you were able to progress as writers, and I want to stress again how meaningful it was to me to read your work. I wish you happy writing and a wonderful summer!
Anna Keener

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